Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day: 9

Today was pretty challenging! There was a few things from Day 8 (the graphs) that were hard for me to understand, but today was a great day of clearing those questions up. At first, it was hard for me to set myself up with the mindset that (for example) when a ball is tossed, there are actually two motions that are happening at the same time rather than one. Yet still, it was even harder for me to understand that one of those motions were the fact that the ball moves at a constant velocity horizontally (x-axis) and that it moves with the pattern of fast, slow, stop, slow fast, vertically (y-axis) and furthermore that these must never be thought of as conjoined because the axes are independent. However, after I was able to make myself comfortable with this mindset, I feel as though I was able to clearly understand the graphs and the word problems.

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